Monday, March 12, 2012

Where should I go?

Angry Aunt, hi,

There’s this box at work, right.  It was slightly poking out the side of a walkway. The HR manager saw it and asked everyone to stop what they were doing to gather around the box.  She said it was ‘important to discuss what’s wrong with this situation’.  So, everyone stood around the taped up box and was given a five minute serve on workplace health and safety.  She said it was ‘everyone’s responsibility to make sure hazards don’t exist in the workplace’. 

Then after her monologue, she asked who owned the box.  Of course, after her speech, no-one was going to fess up.  So because no-one claimed the box, she ‘officially’ took ownership and opened it.  It was filled with gawdy Chirstmas decorations.  Aunty, it was disgusting.  I mean, someone in my work area saw fit to over stuff a box with disgusting twinkle and those ball things.  It smelled real bad and stuck to the side was a cut-out cardboard Santa that looked like a dead Santa.  It was faded and ripped and just feral.  Santa’s eyes had been poked out and there was a tack hanging out of his nose.  If I’m not getting my point across it was like opening a box of farts and fingernail clippings.  I gagged as soon as the box was opened and the tinsel was unraveled. 

So to my question…  You see, I was okay to look at the unopened box for the past two months in the walkway, no problems.  But now it’s ‘safely’ in the cupboard, I can’t walk past the cupboard and not think about it.  I can’t concentrate on my work.  I can’t function in my day to day relationships.  I want to go to report it to the HR Manager but she’s the one that caused the problem in the first place.  I’m desperate.  Should I go to CEO?  Should I go to the Police?  Where should I go?

Go to the North Pole.  Sort your shit out.